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Contoh Cerita Masa Lalu Menggunakan Simple Past Tense

Contoh Cerita Masa Lalu Menggunakan Simple Past Tense

Contoh cerita masa lampau menggunakan simple past tense

1. Contoh cerita masa lampau menggunakan simple past tense

yesterday, ago, this morning/evening, last night/week/month/year, a week ago, that day/afternoon, the other day/week, at seven o’clock, on Tuesday, in 1990, just, recently, once, earlier, then, next, after thaton the first day at new school, I met many new friends and new teachers. my class was in 7-B. the one who sat next to me was a French. She has lived in Indonesia since she was 3 because of her father's job. Since that day we became best friend.

2. contoh cerita yang menggunakan simple future tense , simple past tense dan simple present tense

Past tense

Once upon a time , there were Lived a old woman that was had a magic book. She Liked to ate apples. One day , he saw a boy that brought. basket of apples , so he asked the boy to gave her an apple but the boy said "No". So the old woman angry to the boy and said a very hard sentece than te boy be an apple . The old woman ate a basket of apples that the boy brought . Finished ate all of the apples the old woman saw an apple that a boy . Th old woman Trash the apple to the river .
Moral : Give some for people that need when you have more .

Pattern of past simple:
subject+verb2+object+Time signal

3. Contoh cerita menggunakan simple past tense past continous tense dan past perfect tense


Sebelum membuat cerita yang menggunakan simple past tense, past continuous tense, dan past perfect tense, kita sebaiknya mengetahui struktur kalimat yang menggunakan simple past tense, past continuous tense, dan past perfect tense terlebih dahulu. Berikut penjelasannya.

Simple past tense

Tenses ini digunakan untuk mengekspresikan suatu kejadian atau kegiatan yang dilakukan pada masa lampau.

Struktur kalimat:

(+) S + V2 + O

(-) S + didn't / did not + V1 + O

(?) Did + S + V1 + O + ?

Contoh kalimat: I watched the World Cup on TV last night.

Past continuous tense

Tenses ini digunakan menyatakan suatu kejadian atau kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung di masa lampau.

Struktur kalimat:

(+) S + was / were + V-ing + O

(-) S + wasn't / weren't + V-ing + O

(?) Was / were + S + V-ing + O + ?

Contoh kalimat: I was cooking dinner when you called me yesterday

Past perfect tense

Tenses ini digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang telah terjadi sebelum kejadian lain pada masa lampau.

Struktur kalimat:

(+) S + had + V3 + O

(-) S + had + not + V3 + O

(?) Had + S + V3 + O +?

Contoh kalimat: She had had breakfast before she went to school.

Berikut contoh cerita yang menggunakan simple past tense, past continuous tense, dan past perfect tense.

Last week was my birthday. My family members seemed like they forgot my birthday. They didn't say happy birthday or gave a birthday present for me. They just did their daily routine as usual like there was nothing special. At school, my friends also didn't remember my birthday. It made me so sad. I went home early after the class had finished. I went to my bedroom when i had arrived at home. I cried because i thought nobody remembered my birthday. Suddenly, my bedroom's door opened when i was crying. I saw my family and my friends brought a birthday cake for me. I wiped my tears when they were singing happy birthday. Apparently, they had secretly planned to trick me because they knew that my birthday was coming soon. it was an unforgettable birthday surprise for me.

Mudah-mudahan jawaban diatas dapat membantu menjawab pertanyaanmu.

Detil tambahan:

Kelas: SMA

Pelajaran: bahasa inggris

Kategori: Tenses

Kata kunci: simple past tense, past continuous tense, past perfect tense

4. Contoh cerita tentang diri sendiri yang menggunakan simple past tense dan present perfect tense

1.cerita tentang kegiatan saat liburan yang lalu 2.paragraf masa lalu tentang pengalaman menyedihkan

5. contoh cerita masa lalu 3 paragraph menggunakan simple past tense with be

Paragraph 1 ; Florence washed her hands
2 : Nichole read the Enid Blyton's book (
3 : Marie bought a new shoes with her mom, yesterday

6. Contoh cerita menggunakan simple present tense and simple past tense

at school Doni borrow my pen, and i give that to him because i feel sorry if he can't join the test because doesn't has a pen. and then when the test finish i come to Doni and ask about my pen. but Doni is silent for a second and he say "i'm sorry your pen is brake" i feel sad and i say "are you sure, that's is a expensive pen" and i leave him. the next day at the morning he come to me and give me a more expensive pen and say " i'm sorry about your pen" . i feel good and we go to canteen together

last holiday, i came to my grandmother house. i felt so happy, i arrived at nine oclock inthe morning. and then we ate together with my family, after that we went to the pool, we swam together, we sang together, and so many thing we did at that time, that;s a best holiday ever i had

7. contoh cerita yang menggunakan simple future tense , simple past tense dan simple present tense

Pada dasarnya simple past tense yaitu merupakan cerita lampau jadi carilah cerita yang menggunakan waktu lampau ketika menceritakan sebuah dongeng, fabel atau cerita kita pada masa lalu dan gunakanlah cerita yang menggunakan narrative text atau recount text
Contoh nya adalah cerita :
Tangled,rapunzel, dongeng kancil dan masih banyak lagi
Dan biasanya simple present digunakan untuk memaparkan kegiatan kita sehari hari dalam menceritakannya dalam bentuk lisan maupun tulisan

8. Contoh cerita sehari2 tentang aktivitas dan hoby dengan menggunakan simple present tense dan simple past tense

I woke up at 5 am. Then I got up to take Subuh prayer. Afterward I tidied up my bathroom such as opening the window, turning off the lamp, sweeping the floor and arranging my pillow and bolsters and folding my blanket.

After that I went outside my house to work out. I did jogging around my house then I pushed up and sit up to build my muscle. After doing sport, I took a rest for a while. Then I took bath on my bathroom and brushed my teeth. Next I got dress my school uniform and looked to the mirror. I took my comb then I combed my hair.

While I prepared to go to school, my mother made me a breakfast in the kitchen. Then my mother called me to have a breakfast and then I went out from my bedroom to have a breakfast. I saw my father reading a newspaper in the living room so I asked my father to have a breakfast together. We had a breakfast at 7.30 am. After having breakfast, my mother gave me a glass of milk so I drank the milk. Afterwards, I helped my mother to clean the dishes. Next I used my shoes and prepared my motorcycle from the garage. Before I went to school, I asked permission to my mother and my father and shook their hands. Then I turned on my motorcycle and went to school.

9. contoh cerita liburan menggunakan simple past tense

2 Months ago my family and I go to the beach. I and my cousin ride the horse. We swim in the sea. My mom and I ealk around the beach for buy jewelery and traditional food. The beach is very crowded. Many people spend their time for play sand and take a pitcure. Children usually play a kite. And the best moment is when te storm go out.

10. contoh cerita pendek dengan bahasa inggris, menggunakan simple present tense dan simple past tense?

the title is " my holiday in nani house "

last week , i went to nany house . my nany house is in New delhi , India . the house has a big garden and pool with colorful flowers .
in the morning , nany's maid give me some breakfast . after that , my nany accompany me to the pond around her house . i love that . i love the scenery at there .
but , my holiday is unlucky . because , my grandpa died before i went to there . my nany was excited .
i hope , next holiday my nany can visited my country ...

sorry , if that is worst .. it's my story :)

11. Tolong buat Cerita Masa Lampau yang menggunakan Simple past Tense

l had a really good weekend.my elder sister and l went shopping.my sister bought a dress as a birthday present for her friend.l bought a new pair of shoes,skateboard sneakers.l bought the sneakers using my pocket money.l had saved my money for ten months.l was so happy that l could buy them by myself.on sunday morning,l put on my shoes.then l played skateboard all day.the shoes were so comfortable.it was so fun.

akhir pekanku benar² menyenangkan.kakak dan aku pergi berbelanja.kakak membeli gaun sebagai hadiah ulang tahun untuk temannya.aku membeli sepasang sepatu baru,sepatu skateboard.aku membeli sepatu itu dengan uang saku.aku telah menghemat uangku selama sepuluh bulan.aku sangat senang bisa membelinya sendiri.pada hari minggu pagi,kupakai sepatu tersebut.lalu aku bermain skateboard sepanjang hari.sepatu itu begitu nyaman.itu sangat menyenangkan.

12. Cerita masa lampau dengan menggunakan simple past tense


Last year, I went to grandma's house in Bandung. I went there for refreshing. The air in Banding was still fresh and it hasn't been polluted like in Jakarta.

Bandung was amazing because there were still many trees. during the day,I didn't feel too hot. My grandmother's house was surrounded by green tea plantations. I was very happy to stay there.

I have gone to Bandung three times. I loved going there because the people there were very friendly and they greeted me when I met them. I thought, Bandung was the most beautiful place I've ever seen before.


13. buatlah contoh kalimat yang menceritakan tentang peristiwa masa lampau dan masa kini dalam bahasa inggris dan menggunakan pola simple past tense dan simple present tense!

Past tense : Zayn ate fried chicken last month
Simple present : she drinks coke in the restaurantPresent tense :
Today I go to school. I meet with my friends and the teachers. I don't see Lina, she is my best friends.

Past tense :
I went to library yesterday in the morning. I went with Putra, he is my brother.

14. tolong buatkan contoh cerita masa lalu/simple past tense

Rawa Pening

Long time ago, lived a very powerful dragon named Baru Klinting. When it was meditating in the jungle, it discovered by people – the Ngebel villagers who are trying to find animals for a food. Without hesitate, all the villagers killed Baru Klinting and cut the body to take the flesh and brought to the village.

After arriving at the village, they held a big party for 3 days and 3 nights. All villagers attended the event and ate the meat of Baru Klinting that had been cooked a day before. However, there was a villager who did not attend the party. She was an old woman named Nyai Latung.

On the third day, there was a boy that suddenly appeared. He looked very dirty; his clothe was so bad, so that he looked like a beggar. Then he walked down the village with a very hungry stomach. He knocked all the doors of the house to ask for food, but no one opened the door, there are even some villagers who drove him away harshly.

Even the situation got worse, he did not give up, until he arrived at a very bad house belonged to Nyai Latung.

“Excuse me Grandma, I’m very hungry. Would you mind to give me a food? “Asked the boy. Nyai Latung felt so sorry to the boy and she replied, “But I only have a dish of rice without any other food. If you want it, you can eat.”

“No problem, I will accept it happily,” the boy replied.

Then she gave the boy that rice. Immediately, the boy ate the rice very fast. It was very clear that he was so hungry. When he had finished eating, Nyai Latung began to ask about him deeper.

“I was a wanderer. I do not have parents, even siblings, “the boy replied.

“Then, stay with me here,” said Nyai Latung.

“I am sorry, I can not do that, I have to continue this journey. However, before I go, I will give a punishment to all the people here. As a sign of my thanks to you, Grandma. I’ll give you a mortar, and when you hear a gong sounds everywhere, immediately get onto this mortar.” Explained the boy to Nyai Latung.

The boy continued his journey, and went to the field in the village where the villagers were gathering. Then, he told to the villagers that the village is not more powerful than himself. Suddenly all the villagers were angry and surrounded him.

“Hey you, little boy. How dare you say that. Beware… Little boy, you’ll die soon,” said one of them. “If you are strong, then take this little stick from the ground,” the boy said.

Then the child plugged a little stick into the ground and allow them to take it. One by one, the villagers took the turn to pull it out. Men, women, children and old man, had tried, and nobody could do that.

“Look, there is no strong person in this village,” the boy sneered.

“Damn you, Try it by yourself. Can you?” they said.

Immediately, he pulled the stick out, then he succeeded. Then, there was a strangeness. There was a lot of water flow out from the hole where the stick was pulled out. At first, they were happy because they think that it was a spring. However, the water did not stop and increasingly flooding the village very quickly. They were very panic. On the other area, Nyai Latung heard the noise of the gong and she was immediately got onto the mortar.

Sure enough, it did not take a long time for the water to drown the village and all the people, except Nyai Latung who survived. Obviously, that mysterious boy was the incarnation of Baru Klinting, the dragon they had killed before. The village has now become a swamp called Rawa Pening.

15. Contoh cerita simple past tense tentang masa karantina di rumah

During my last holiday, I made a lot of handcrafts. At that time, I was crazy about art and creativity. Many ideas had come to my mind three months before. All of the ideas were written on my note book so I could read them again. Also, I searched other ideas from internet. Yap, I googled it. I watched tutorial videos and read many art blogs.

My parents helped me to prepare the materials. They also gave me money to buy things I needed. On the first day, I painted on some rocks. People call it rock art. It was so fun. My siblings joined me on the third day. Then, my siblings and I made paper crafts from used newspapers and magazines. Papers were rolled, shaped and glued together to create decorative designs. Many beautiful crafts were created.

The last activity was sewing. My mother is a tailor so I learn how to sew from her. My mother helped me too. Sewing used clothes and towels was very fun. We produced many useful things. Finally, I really enjoyed my last holiday

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