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Soal Suggestion Pilihan Ganda

Soal Suggestion Pilihan Ganda

contoh soal suggestion pilihan ganda

1. contoh soal suggestion pilihan ganda

Andy want to buy some clothes he only have 15$ in his pocket
which one of these cloths price that Andy should buy??
D.15$Which of the following sentence is expression suggestion?
a. It's not good for you
b. I might I will buy this
c. You should clean your hand
d. It is your fault
Answer : C

2. tolong buatin soal tentang suggestion tapi pilihan ganda dong

Which of the following sentence is expression suggestion?
a. It's not good for you
b. I might I will buy this
c. You should clean your hand
d. It is your fault

Answer : C

3. soal opinion, advice, suggestion, offering, pilihan ganda

Ima : Ton, I have headaches, It is so hurt me, . What should I do?
Ton : .........
a. I advice you to talk your problem to your teacher
b. I recommendation you to repair your mistake
c. I think you should go to doctor. ~  jawabannya
d. Don't doing anything, you must play a game

Ima : Rian, do you think they will found the problem solving of that problem? 
Rian : .......
a. Oh, no, don't ask me
b. You was so poor
c. I think they will found it, cause God will lead them to found it
d. Ima, why did you ask me?, Please ask it to them!

4. berikan 5 soal pilihan ganda beserta jawaban tentang suggestion and offer​


1. Your friend situation: I’ve gained some weight.  

What should be the response to this statement?

A. I would suggest you to drink a lot.

B. I would suggest you to sleep earlier.

C. I would suggest you to go to the cinema.

D. I would suggest you to change your lifestyle.

E. Just eat more!


2. Situation: Heru is having cold.  

Doctor’s advice below is correct, except…

A. You should take a bed rest

B. I suggest you to eat chicken soup

C. I advise you to eat ice cream more

D. My advice is to wear mask outside, to protect yourself and other people.

E. I recommend you to take a bath

3. Situation: My neighbor is noisy.  

You should…………

A. Let them be.

B. Tell your neighbor to increase their voice

C. Tell politely to neighbor to be silent for a while

D. I don’t know, tell me!

E. speak louder than him


4. Situation: I have toothache. What should I do?  

The suggestion is proper, except…

A. If I were you, I would go to the dentist.

B. Why don’t you go to the dentist?

C. I would suggest to take pain killer pills. Maybe it will help?

D. I’m sorry I never had toothache.

E. You should visit your dentist!


5. Situation: You want to test your crush, but you are afraid to do that. You want to ask for some advice from your friend.  

You can say all the followings, except ….

A. what do you think I should do?

B. what should I do?

C. can I ask your advice about texting my crush?

D. do you think it is better to test or not to test him/her?

E. why don’t you text him/her?

5. buatkan 5 soal pilihan ganda dan jawabannya tentang offering something suggestion

Would you like something to drink?
Would you like to go disco?
Would you like to come along?
Could I offer you a glass of lemonade?
Would you mind joining us?
Would you like a cup of coffee?
Shall I get you a bottle of water?
Would you like to leave a message?

What can I get for you?
Won't you have a pancake?
Do you want something to eat?
Cheese sandwich?
Have some
Like one?

maaf kalo salah

6. Buatkan 10 soal pilihan ganda 5 option tentang if clause reminder, if clause imperative, if clause suggestion, if clause general truth, dan if clause to show a dream beserta jawabannya.

10 soal pilihan ganda 5 option tentang:

If clause reminder

1. If you come home late, your father ______ angry.

a. is

b. will

c. will be

d. was

e. had been

2. If you _______ your homework, the teacher will punish you.

a. doesn't do

b. didn't do

c. not do

d. don't do

e. won't

If clause imperative

3. If you ______ my computer, please shut down it after using.

a. use

b. used

c. uses

d. using

e. has used

4. If you finish studying, ________ the lamp.

a. turning off

b. turn off

c. turned off

d. turns off

e. has turned off

If clause suggestion

5. If you want to buy a new car, you _________ another job.

a. would get

b. will get

c. won't get

d. gets

e. should get

6. If you _______ to get the best mark, you should study hard.

a. wants

b. want

c. wanted

d. wanting

e. has wanted

If clause general truth

7. If you heat the water, it _____.

a. boil

b. boils

c. boiling

d. boiled

e. has boiled

8. If people ________ nutritious food, they are susceptible to any disease.

a. not eat

b. doesn't eat

c. don't eat

d. didnt't eat

e. has not eaten

If clause to show a dream

9. If I had a lot of money, I _________ a private jet.

a. should buy

b. would buy

c. must buy

d. will buy

e. buy

10. If _______ a president, I would punish all corruptors.

a. am

b. was

c. were

d. are

e. is


1. C

2. D

3. A

4. B

5. E

6. B

7. B

8. C

9. B

10. C

Pembahasan Conditional Sentences Type 1, 2, 3, and 0

1. First Conditional

First Conditional digunakan untuk pengandaian ke masa depan yang belum dan mungkin terjadi.

POLA kalimat: If + Present Tense, will + infinitive


If you visit your grandma, she will give you a delicious cake. If my mother knows this, she will be angry.

2. Second Conditional

Second Conditional digunakan untuk pengandaian ke masa lalu yang tidak mungkin terjadi di masa sekarang. Dengan kata lain, sesuatu dapat terjadi saat ini jika sesuatu yang lain di masa lalu dilakukan.

POLA kalimat: If + Past Tense, would/could + infinitive


If we took U turn, we would not get lost. If I were a president, I would give high salary for teachers.

3. Third Conditional

Third Conditional digunakan untuk pengandaian ke masa lalu yang tidak mungkin karena sudah tidak terjadi (di masa lalu).

POLA kalimat: If + Past Perfect Tense, would/could have + past participle


If you had warned me, I wouldn't have gotten an accident. If she had come to the competition, she could have won.

Catatan Penting!!!

Untuk Second Conditional, 'was' selalu digantikan 'were' untuk semua subjek. Contoh: If he were not your brother, I would not lend my motorbike to him.

4. Zero Conditional

Zero conditional digunakan untuk pengandaian yang menyatakan kenyataan yang akan terjadi secara alami, dapat dijelaskan dengan alasan ilmiah. Akibat dari pengandaian ini selalu benar.

POLA kalimat: If + Present Tense, Present Tense


If I drink coffee, I feel queasy. If the flowers don't get enough water, they die.


If clause reminder untuk mengingatkan sesuatu akan terjadi jika sesuatu yang lain dilakukan. If clause ini menggunakan CS (conditional sentence) Type 1.

If clause imperative, saat terjadi sesuatu, maka seseorang memberi perintah untuk melakukan sesuatu yang lain. Setelah if clause, kata kerja kalimat kedua adalah bentuk perintah.

If clause suggestion, jika terjadi sesuatu maka sesuatu yang lain kemungkinan akan terjadi, sebagai saran. If clause ini diikuti kata 'should' apda kalimat utamanya.

If clause general truth, jika sesuatu terjadi maka sesuatu yang lain pasti terjadi sebagai konsekuensinya. If clause ini menggunakan CS Type 0.

If clause to show a dream, jika terjadi sesuatu maka sesuatu yang lain dapat dicapai atau dapat dilakukan. If clause ini dapat menggunakan if clause Type 2.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

1. 5 More examples of zero conditionals: Zero Conditionals: brainly.co.id/tugas/12497635

2. Conditionals with imperatives: brainly.co.id/tugas/22263041

Detail jawaban

Kelas: 12

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Conditional Sentences

Kode: 12.5.2

Kata kunci: if, clause, reminder, imperative, suggestion, general, truth, show, dream

7. contoh ekspresi suggestion dan contoh soal tentang suggestion

Ekspresinya misalnya :
You should study hard.
Children ought to obey their parents
I'd suggest you don't go alone

8. Please help me Soal Opinion 5, soal advice 5, soal suggestion 5, soal offering 5 pilihan ganda+jawaban yang bisa tolong di jawab ya


9. buatlah 6 soal pilihan ganda 5 option tentang if clause suggestion beserta jawabannya​


Part 1 (If Clause – Intermediate Level)


Fill in the correct forms of the verbs in brackets, according to the type of the IF-sentence shown at the end!

1. If he _______ (EAT) everything he _______ (BE) ill. (3)

2. The police _______ (ARREST) him if they _______ (CATCH) him. (1)

3. What _______ (HAPPEN) if my parachute _______ (NOT OPEN)? (1)


1. If he HAD EATEN everything he WOULD HAVE BEEN ill. (3)

2. The police WILL ARREST him if they CATCH him. (1)

3. What WILL HAPPEN if my parachute DOESN’T OPEN? (1)

Part 2 (If Clause – Intermediate Level)


Fill in the correct form of the verb in brackets!

1. If Anne’s father gets seriously ill, they _______ (BRING) him to the hospital.

2. If I _______ (BE) you I would pay more attention in class.

3. They _______ (NOT GO) out if they don’t get a babysitter.


1. If Anne’s father gets seriously ill, they WILL BRING him to the hospital.

2. If I WAS/ WERE you I would pay more attention in class.

3. They WON’T GO out if they don’t get a babysitter.

Part 3 (If Clause – Intermediate Level)


Put the verbs in brackets into their correct tense!

1. The burglars _______ (NOT DO) so much damage if you had locked all the drawers.

2. If he had slipped, he _______ (FALL) 500 metres.

3. They would have forced their way into the house if I _______ (NOT CALL) for help.


1. The burglars WOULDN’T HAVE DONE so much damage if you had locked all the drawers.

2. If he had slipped, he WOULD HAVE FALLEN 500 metres.

3. They would have forced their way into the house if I HADN’T CALLED for help.

10. tolong buatin soal pilihan ganda a,b,c,d & e tentang offering dan suggestion masing-masing 5 soal. terimakasih


1. R : good morning, welcome to ganesa hotel, .......?
    G : i would like to stay in your hotel.

a. what is your name?
b. where do you live?
c. how may i asisst you?
d. would you be my girlfriend?

2. What will u say if u see your friend have a problem?
a. hi bro!
b. can i help u?
c. nice to meet you
d. what a shame

3. A : ...................?
    B : yes, what is it?
a. can u help me?
b. what time is it?
c. do you like a snowman?
d. i like froster

4. S : dad i need money, can i have it?
    D : yes, but before that, ........? it"s so heavy
a. can u help me to bring this box?
b. go away and buy some food
c. nothing at all
d. a cup of coffee please

5. W : why are u look so sad?
    T : i leave my money in my room
     W : don't worry, i have money, .......?
     T : really? it's 2 dollars
a. i am rich
b. oh you are a poor girl
c. you are so ugly
d. how much do u need? i can lend u some

1. D : where can i get inexpencive price for good quality shoes?
    E : if u want a good price, ............
a. why don't u go to the factory outlet?
b. take your mom's money
c. u can steal without spend your money
d. don't buy the shoes

2. if u want a new one, ..........
a. the store is open at 6 pm
b. the party is over, close the gate
c. why don't u buy it in department store?
d. u can buy everything

3. i feel so bored, .........
a. why don't we go to the beach
b. i want to sleep
c. i need much money
d. it is only $100 dollars

4. A : i'm so lazy to study, but we have an exam tomorrow
    B : .............. we can study together
a. my address is on kumala street no. 5
b. why don't u go to my house
c. this is my new house
d. don't come to that party

5. if u want a healthy body, .........
a. why don't u do jog everyday
b. i  like vegetable
c. buy a salad and a bottle of milk
d. go to the gym with my dad

semoga membantu^^ maaf klo salah

11. contoh 10 soal pilihan ganda tentang suggestion beserta jawabannya

1. A: What ___________ we do this weekend?
    B: Let's go to the beach.
     a. will     b. is           c. shall       d. should

2. How about _____________ surfing?
    a. go    b. going       c. do         d. doing

3. X: Let's throw a party this Friday. What do you say?
    C: Yes,___________
    a. we can          b. that would be great.
    c. thank you      d. I do.

4. ____________ we go to the cafe? It's still too early to go into the cinema now.
    a. why not       b. shall we do      c. what shall      d. why don't

5. _________ order some food? I'm starving now.
   a. Why             b. let's         c. shall we       d. by the way

6. E: How shall we go to the party?
    B: Shall we take my car?
    E: ___________
    a. That'll be great              b. I think it's nice.   
    c. I suppose you're right   d. I'll have a look at it.

7. R: What about going fishing?
    K: Sorry, ____________.
    a. I'll be busy          b. I'm not really into it.
    c. I can't play it.        d. I think it's not okay.

8. L: What time shall we meet?
    P: What ___________ two pm?
    a. on    b. of       c. is      d. about

9. Why don't we ________ a ride in the countryside?
     a. go for      b. go to      c. go in        d. go by

10. H: Shall we go camping this weekend?
       N: Sorry, man. I don't really fancy it. _______________
       a. I'd prefer going skiing
       b. I prefer to go skiing
       c. I'd love to go skiing
       d. I'd rather go skiing

jawaban: c/b/b/d/c/a/b/d/a/d  

12. buatkan dialog suggestion beserta soal pilihan ganda

a:gk jadi

13. Soal dan jawaban pilihan ganda a,b,c,d,e. Tentang suggestion,declining dan offer kelas 11

tolong difotoin dulu

14. Tolong buatin soal pilihan ganda tentang asking suggestion beserta jawabannya, 5 soal aja. tolong ya

1.what do you think about that movie?
a.I don't know
b.when we can meet?
c.its amazing
d.come on

2.would you like drink coffee or tea?
a.I prefer drink tea than coffee
b.the both
d.i want to eat

3.I need dress for party ... you help me for choose one of my dresses?

4.you ... come early tomorrow

5.what kind of the good movie if i want to scream?

15. Soal pilihan ganda tentang if clause+ suggestion, general truth, imperative, dan to show a dream

Soal Conditional Sentence Type 3 – Manual
1. If Budi …. me, I …. emailed the documents.
a. Has ask – Would have
b. Had asked – Would have
c. Has asked – Would have
2. If our team had … the match, they would have …
up in the league.
a. Won – Moved
b. Win – Moved
c. Winned – Moved
3. If I had …. you were coming, I would have
prepared a delicious meal.
a. Known
b. Knew
c. Knowed
4. They would have played football if the weather had
…. nice.
a. Be
b. Being
c. Been
5. If they had taken him to hospital earlier, he …..
a. Would have die
b. Would have died
c. Wouldn't have died
6. The game would have …. better if the trainer had
…. a substitute in during the second half.
a. Become – Sent
b. Became – Send
c. Became – Sended
7. If the boys had …. the bus to school, they would
have arrived on time.
a. Take
b. Taken
c. Taked
8. If you had …. to the meeting yesterday, you would
have met Shinta.
a. Came
b. Come
9. Jika polisi datang lebih awal, mereka akan
menangkap pencurinya.
a. If the police had come earlier, they
would have arrested the burglar.
b. If the police had came earlier, they
would have arrested the burglar.
10. Jika cuaca lebih baik akhir pekan lalu, kita akan
pergi ke pantai.
a. If the weather had been better last
weekend, we would have gone to the
b. If the weather had been better last
weekend, we would have went to the
Jawaban dan Pembahasan
No Jawaban Penjelasan
1 B Rumus conditional sentence type 3 adalah
If + S + Had + Verb3, + S + Would/should/
could/might + Have + Verb3, atau bisa
dibalik seperti ini: S + Would/should/
could/might + Have + Verb3 + If + S + Had
+ Verb3.
2 A Hati-hati dengan irregular verb
(perubahan kata kerja tak beraturan) verb
3 dari win adalah won, bukan wined.
3 A Verb3 dari know adalah known, verb2
adalah knew, ini juga merupakan irregular
4 C Been merupakan verb3 (past participle)
dari be.
5 C Sebenarnya kamu bisa saja menggunakan
jawaban B, tapi kalau dilihat kalimatnya
secara keseluruhan, jawaban B tidak
masuk akal, masak ada orang sakit yang
dibawa kerumah sakit lebih cepat kok
malah mati, kan seharusnya tidak. Jadi,
jawaban yang paling tepat adalah C
(Wouldn't = would + not).
6 A Cukup jelas.
7 B Cukup jelas.
8 B Cukup jelas.
9 A Cukup jelas.
10 A Cukup jelas.

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