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Contoh Dialog Persuading

Contoh Dialog Persuading

contoh dialog persuading

1. contoh dialog persuading

Daughter: Mom, let's buy a new bag for me.
Mom: But your old bag is still good enough.
Daughter: Oh, please. I promise I'll study harder if you brought one for me.
Mom: Promise?
Daughter: Promise.
Mom: Okay.

2. contoh dialog persuading dan convicing

A: Hey there! Why don't you try on this brand new leather jacket from Italy?
B: Nah, I already have--
A: Ooh but I'm sure they're different. Does yours have 10 pockets in it?
B: No.. But I--
A: Exactly! And it only costs you $150
B: Wow that's so expensive
A: That's not so expensive. And besides, you look amazing in it.

3. Contoh dialog persuading yang berkelompok

jawabannya dialog kelompok

4. Berikan contoh dialog bahasa Inggris tentang persuading, critizing, hoping, deniel

Persuading adalah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk mengajak seseorang melakukan sesuatu. Biasanya ungkapan persuading diawali dengan kata 'let's'.

Preventing adalah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk meminta atau mengajak seseorang mencegah sesuatu.

Hoping adalah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan sebuah harapan terhadap sesuatu yang kita inginkan.

Criticizing adalah ungapan yang digunakan ketika kita ingin mengkritik seseorang.


Contoh dialog Persuading, Preventing, Criticizing dan Hoping:


Mark: Anthony. What are you doing this evening? let's watch a movie!

Anthony: What movie?

Mark: There’s a good Indonesian movie at XXI cinema.

Anthony: You know that I don’t like Indonesian movies.

Mark: Oh, Come on. I’m sure you’ll enjoy this one.

Anthony: I don’t enjoy Indonesian movies. I can’t follow the conversation fully.

Mark: So what? We’re not Indonesian. Most of us are not able to follow the  conversation fully. But there are so many other things you can enjoy.

Anthony: That’s true.

Mark: Then why don’t you come?

Anthony: All right. I’ll be at the cinema at 7. Is that OK?

Mark: Fine. See you at 7.

Anthony: See you.


Mother: Sarah, Can you come here please?

Sarah: Yes mom, what's the matter?

Mother: Please prevent your siblings not to play in the flower garden. I have planted  some roses here.

Sarah: Okay Mom, I will prevent and ask them to play in another place.

Mother: Thanks darling

Sarah: You're welcome mom.

Expressing Hope

Jojo: Wow the view here is amazing.

Susi: Yeah I agree.

Jojo: I really enjoy this field trip. How about you Susi?

Susi: Me too. Bali is such a nice place to visit.

Jojo: I hope someday I can visit Bali again.

Susi: So do I. If I come to Bali again, I hope I would come with someone special.

Jojo: Yeah. May our hope come true.


Dina : Have you bought the book that I've asked?

Andre : Oh no, I haven't bought it yet. I forgot about it.

Dina : Ugh.... you're a very forgetful person. I've reminded you many times, but you still forget it.

Andre : I'm sorry, Dina.

Dina : Don't do it again.

Andre : Okey.

Semoga membantu menjawab. Terimakasih :)

Pelajari Lebih Lanjutbrainly.co.id/tugas/5431814brainly.co.id/tugas/562317
Detil Jawaban

Kelas; SMP

Mapel: B Inggris

Kategori: Expression

Kata kunci: Preventing, Persuading, Hoping

5. contoh dialog expressions used in persuading and convincing

-Please help me
-Youre going to love it
-Don't worry
-Its fine

6. Tolong buatin dong contoh percakapan dialog of persuading dan artinya?

Joni : Hai Ita, how are you?

Ita : I’m fine, thanks. And you?

Joni : Pretty well. Do you have some plan in your holiday?

Ita : I don’t have. And do you have some plan?

Joni : Yes I have. In holiday I will go to Bali, I will stay in my uncle’s house. Why don’t you go with me to Bali.

Ita : Hmm, I confused. I never go away from home. This is will be the fist trip to Bali for me.

Joni : Give it a try.

Ita : I will think for this.

Joni : You’ll enjoy it.

Ita : Ok. I will go with you.

Joni : That’s great.

Joni: Hai Ita, apa kabar?

Ita: Aku baik-baik saja, terima kasih. Dan kamu?

Joni: Cukup baik. Apakah kamu punya rencana dalam liburanmu?

Ita: Aku tidak punya. Dan apakah kamu punya rencana?

Joni: Ya aku punya. Di liburan nanti aku akan pergi ke Bali, aku akan tinggal di rumah pamanku. Kenapa kamu tidak ikut aku saja ke Bali.

Ita: Hmm, aku bingung. Aku tidak pernah pergi dari rumah. Ini akan menjadi perjalanan pertama ke Baliku.

Joni: Cobalah.

Ita: Aku akan coba pikirkan.

Joni: Kamu akan menikmatinya.

Ita: Ok. Aku akan pergi denganmu.

Joni: Bagus sekali.

7. contoh dialog persuading & convincing masing2 6lines

dialog; persuading
a. i think you should buy this english dictionary
b. why should i?
a. look! the price is not that expensive and it has thesaurus inside
b. i have many dictionaries at home
a. yes i know but this one is different
b. are you sure i should buy one?
a. yes why not? u know what if you buy this, i can borrow it from you. you know i can't afford to buy webster's dictionary, don't you?
b. well, it doesn't hurt anyway, ok i will buy it but you have to promise that you will help me if i have english homework, ok?
a. surely 

dialogue; convincing
a. i am sure if you take this course you will be able to master english
b. are you sure?
a. yes i am
b. can you convince me more on that?
a. you will be taught by professional teachers. you will be assisted with your task and you will be able to practice your pronunciation with the native speakers
b. are you sure?
a. yes i am
b. i think it's time for me to take this course

8. 1. contoh dialog obligation!2. contoh dialog convinion dan persuading

1. it is obligatory for the people to participate in education 
   there's a legal obligation to enter the army 
   it's compulsion to obey your parents 
2. let's join ... ypu won"t regret it
   buy me this one , Mom. Please ?
   i'm begging you . will you .. ?

9. contoh dialog persuading, preventing & regret; masing2 6lines

Persuading adalah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk mengajak seseorang melakukan sesuatu. Biasanya ungkapan persuading diawali dengan kata 'let's'.

Preventing adalah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk meminta atau mengajak seseorang mencegah sesuatu.

Regreting adalah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menyesali suatu keputusan atau perbuatan yang sudah terjadi.


Contoh dialog Persuading, Preventing dan Regret:


Mark: Anthony. What are you doing this evening? let's watch a movie!

Anthony: What movie?

Mark: There’s a good Indonesian movie at XXI cinema.

Anthony: You know that I don’t like Indonesian movies.

Mark: Oh, Come on. I’m sure you’ll enjoy this one.

Anthony: I don’t enjoy Indonesian movies. I can’t follow the conversation fully.

Mark: So what? We’re not Indonesian. Most of us are not able to follow the  conversation fully. But there are so many other things you can enjoy.

Anthony: That’s true.

Mark: Then why don’t you come?

Anthony: All right. I’ll be at the cinema at 7. Is that OK?

Mark: Fine. See you at 7.

Anthony: See you.


Mother: Sarah, Can you come here please?

Sarah: Yes mom, what's the matter?

Mother: Please prevent your siblings not to play in the flower garden. I have planted  some roses here.

Sarah: Okay Mom, I will prevent and ask them to play in another place.

Mother: Thanks darling

Sarah: You're welcome mom.


Fairuz : May I borrow you ruler?

Nadina : Of course, here you are. By the way what will you do with it?

Fairuz : I want to continue to do my homework?

Nadina : Haven't you done it? What did you do yesterday, mate?

Fairuz : I regret because I was busy to play with my new car game. I remembered after getting at class.

Nadina : I hope you can do it soon because the teacher will enter the class.

Suddenly, the ruler broken into two sides

Fairuz : Nadina, forgive me. I have broken your ruler when I made a line on my paper. I regret about my carelessness

Nadina : Hmm.. okay. never mind. but, please buy me the new one.

Fairuz : I will buy it for you after class.

Pelajari Lebih Lanjuthttps://brainly.co.id/tugas/5431814https://brainly.co.id/tugas/562317https://brainly.co.id/tugas/4900135
Detil Jawaban

Kelas; SMP

Mapel: B Inggris

Kategori: Expression

Kata kunci: Preventing, Persuading, Regretting

10. buatkan dialog tentang persuading

Daughter: Mom, let's buy a new bag for me.
Mom: But your old bag is still good enough.
Daughter: Oh, please. I promise I'll study harder if you brought one for me.
Mom: Promise?
Daughter: Promise.
Mom: Okay.

11. make exsimple a dialog persuading

x:Hello... Good Afternoon
y:Hello... Good Afternoon
x:Nice to meet you!
y:Nice to meet you to!
x:you're look sad, what's happen?
y:I'am sad, because i have lose my money!
x:How much money you lost?
x:you're so stingy!(criticizing)
y:I'am stingy? I'am not stingy !
x:You lose money Rp1000're felling sad ! ,really stingy!.. do not think about it, it is 
   a little amount of money!... do not bad sad! (persuading and giving support)
y:Okay! wish me luck!
A : hello, what do you do ?
B : hi. i looking for my handphone. I can’t find it in my bag.

A  : Well, you my have left it in the car. Let’s take a look!

B : okey thank's

12. Buatlah dialog persuading. 6 baris

A : Hey, have you decide on the club?
B : i don't know. maybe i'll join the english club
A : How about joining the art club?
B : well, i'm afraid i can't. i'm not that skilled in art
A : come on, just try it. you won't regret it.
B : Okay, i will try

13. kasih contoh tentang dialog expressing persuading beserta terjemahannya

Andy: Buzz, do you like English? (Buzz, kamu suka bahasa Inggris?)

Buzz: No, I don’t like it. (Tidak suka)

Andy: Why? (Kenapa?)

Buzz: I don’t know, I just like anything simple. English is too complicated, especially it’s grammar. (Entahlah, saya suka segala yang sederhana. Bahasa Inggris terlalu rumit, terutama grammarnya)

Andy: You know, many people believe that English is easy. (Kamu tahu, banyak orang yakin kalau bahasa Inggris itu mudah.)

Buzz: Oh, really? (Oh, ya?)

Andy: Yup. In fact, English is as simple as 2 plus 2. (Ya. Bahkan faktanya, sesederhana dua tambah dua.)

Buzz: Yeah, maybe you are right. (Ya, mungkin kamu benar.)

Andy: I am absolutely certain that you can learn English easily. (Saya sangat yakin bahwa kamu bisa belajar bahasa Inggris dengan mudah.)


Dialog di atas memakai persuasive speech yang bertujuan untuk mempengaruhi seseorang atau sekelompok orang untuk mengikuti apa yang kita sarankan atau mengikuti pendapat kita. Ada beberapa ungkapan yang bisa kita pakai untuk menyatakan persuasive, yaitu:

Many people believe that...(Banyak orang percaya bahwa...) seperti dalam kalimat di atas: You know, many people believe that English is easy. In fact... (Faktanya...) seperti dalam kalimat di atas: In fact, English is as simple as 2 plus 2.I am absolutely certain that...(Saya yakin bahwa...) seperti kalimat di atas: I am absolutely certain that you can learn English easily.

Nah, bahasa Inggris itu mudah, kan? Mau lebih pintar? Simak disini:

Pelajari lebih lanjut:Persuading: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/17386Persuasive: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/20944827 Suggestion: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/3462917Detail Jawaban

Kelas: 11

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris 5

Bab: 7

Kode: 11.5.7


14. contoh dialog expressions used in persuading and convincing

You: Good morning!
Mina:Good morning too!
You: How are you?
Mina:Fine and do you know that i won the contest?
You: Really? Congratulations! i knew you are really talented for swimming.
Mina: Thank you... But do you know that yesterday mister Carlos...
You: I knew...Mister Carlos wife has died yesterday..
Mina:So you know... It is really sad..
You:Yeah mister Carlos is your advisor in swimming club right?
Mina: Yes.. But why do people must die?
You: Silly, It's because humans will die someday you know...
Mina: But.. I feel bad for mister Carlos..
You:Yeah his wife is really kind to all of the swim club member right?
Mina: I hope she is in heaven now.
You: Me too. Because she is a nice person.
Mina: Oh is it the time now? 
You: What do you mean?
Mina:I mean it's extracurricular time right?
You: Ok! See you later?
Mina: Obviously! Good bye.

15. contoh dialog persuading & convincing masing2 6lines

Anton: hey there have you tried the new fried shell
Antin: fried shell? that's disgusting!
Anton: are you sure of what you call that disgusting?
Antin: of course it is, it's a shell!
Anton: oh come on, it's just a shell! you must try it!

Waiter: hello sir welcome to the restaurant
Anton: what's the favourite meal on these day?
Waiter: a fried shell is a pleasant choice for you sir.
Anton: are you sure about that?
Waiter: of course, this shell is cleaned 10 times to make them safe, and beside. by the texture of the food and other factors, i am sure this food will be great for you. just trust me sir on this, i'm an expert.

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