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Soal Procedure Text Kelas 9

Soal Procedure Text Kelas 9

10 soal procedure text​

1. 10 soal procedure text​

Please be more careful ...

and ... where is the problem?

I'm confused ...

2. soal procedure text tentang laptop ​

How To Turn On Your Laptop?

1. first, open your laptop

2. then push the power button

3. next, wait until the procces finish

4. finally, your laptop is turned On

3. soal procedure text docx​


gak tau


karna tugas ku numpuk


ngga ngerti


ngga ngerti

4. procedure text beserta soal dan jawaban

How to make egg and lemon soup
To make egg and lemon soup, you need all the ingredients below: 
-3 quarts chicken broth
- lemon juice 2
-1/2 kg Rice
-salt and pepper
-4 eggs, well beaten
steps : 
-Add the stock to the pan and heat until boiling.
-Add the rice and cook over low heat for fifteen minutes.
-Mix the eggs and lemon juice.
-Add three tablespoons of stock to the mixture and stir.
-Stir this mixture into the remaining stock in the pan.
-Add a little salt and pepper.
-Cook over low heat for three minutes

berikut ini soalnya yah :
 1. In the text included in the text? 
a. Narrative Text b. Procedure Text c. Recount Text d. Text Advertisement 
answer : b
2 What is the materials that need to make egg and lemon soup? 
a. two b. three c. four d. five 
answer : d
3 how many liters of chicken broth in need? 
  a. 3 liters b. 4 liters c. 5 liters d. 8 liters 
answer : a
4. how many steps in making egg and lemon soup in the text above? 
  a. 7 step b. 8 step c. 4 step d. 10 steps 
answer : a
5. how many minutes it takes to cook rice? 
a. 10 minutes b. 15 minutes c. 12 minutes d. 20 minutes
answer : b


5. soal dan jawaban menurut procedure text

What is the Function of the procedur text?
answer a guide for you to make something or before using something

6. Tolong buatin 10 soal dan jawaban text procedure *buat soal nya pakai materi text procedure dibawah initolong bantu ​

1. The text is about?

Answer : How to Make Iced Tea

2. What is the social function of the text?

Answer : To instruct someone to make Iced Tea

3. How many ingredients are need to make Iced Tea?

Answer : There are 4 Ingredients

4. What materials are need to make Iced Tea?

Answer : That is, Tea bag or tea leaves, Sugar, Ice cubes, and Water

5. How many instructions are need to make Iced Tea?

Answer : There are 7 Instructions

6. What is the first step to make Iced Tea?

Answer : That is, Boil the water

7. What is the second step to make Iced Tea?

Answer : That is, Pour the water into the glass

8. What is the Third step to make Iced Tea?

Answer : That is, Steep Tea

9. When do we add the Ice cubes?

Answer : After add sugar

10. What is the synonym of the word "Add"?

Answer : That is, Extract


Procedure text adalah Teks yang menjelaskan sesuatu atau Teks yang Menjelaskan cara membuat sesuatu. Contoh Text Procedure: "How to Make Iced Tea" , "How to make Novel Apple Pudding" , etc.

Dalam Text Procedure biasanya selalu ada atau berisikan Ingredients (Bahan) dan Method/Instruction (Cara/Langkah)



Mapel : English Languange

Jenjang : SMP

Kode Soal : 5

Materi : Text Procedure

7. Procedure text yang singkat gampang di presentasikan di depan kelas

saya sarankan sih how to make a cup of tea..how to make paper plane, lumayan gampang

8. contoh soal uraian procedure text

jack is hurts,you will need betadine to help jack.how to use betadine?
How to make a cup of chocolate milk.
Materials :
- a sachet of chocolate milk
- hot water. 
-1 tsp sugar
- chocolate cream 
Tools :
-a spoon
- a cup
Steps :
- first, put one sachet of chocolate milk into the cup.
- second, pour hot water into the cup
- next, add 1 tsp sugar and stir it well with a spoon.
- then, add some chocolate cream on it.
- finally, a cup of chocolate milk ready to be served

-What is the purpose of the text? 
Answer : the purpose of the text is to tell the reader how to make a cup of chocolate milk.
-How much sugar do we need to add into the cup?Answer : we need a tablespoon of sugar.
-What should we do before pour hot water into the cup ?
Answer : before pour hot water into the cup we should put one sachet of chocolate milk into the cup. 
-How many materials do we need?
Answer : There are four materials that we need.
-According to text, how many steps are there to make a cup of chocolate milk?Answer : there are five steps to make a cup of chocolate milk.
-etc ....

9. contoh soal reading tentang procedure text

What is the Generic Structure of the text?

10. contoh soal procedure text rumpang

Many people call platypus duckbill because this animal has a bill like duckbill. Platypus …(48) a native Tasmania and southern and eastern Australia.Platypus … (49) a flat tail and webbed feet. Its body length is 30 to 45 cm and covered with a thick and woolly layer of fur. Its bill is detecting prey and stirring up mud. Platypus' eyes and head are small. It has no ears but has ability to sense sound and light.
Platypus … (50) in streams, rivers, and lakes. Female platypus usually dig burrows in the streams or river banks. The burrows are blocked with soil to …(51) it from intruders and flooding. In the other hand, male platypus does not need any burrow to stay.
1. ~A. is B. are C. was D. were
2. ~ A. has B. had C. have D. having
3. A. live ~B. lives C. lived D. living
4. A. protecting B. protected C. protects ~D. protect
in a lathe bowl...the dry ongredients combine wet ingradients in a separate bowl.
b.to mix
c. mixing

11. Berikan contoh soal pilihan ganda procedure text untuk smk kelas 12!


1. Where is the life jacket located?

A. Over the head

B. Around the waist.

C. Outsite the aircraft.

D. In the back of the seat.

E. Under the seat.

2. What can interfere the navigatioanl system

A. Table.

B. The life jacket.

C. Mobile phones

D. The attached light.

E. Tapes around the waist.

maaf cuman 2 soal

12. Soal Tentang Procedure text tolong dibantu kakk ​


1. There's 4 Ingredients: egg, unsalted butter, salt, and black papper.

2. Heat the butter in the frying pan until its melted.

3. Put the egg into the pan seasoned with salt.

4. The text tells me about how to make a sunny side egg.

5. The cooked egg who cooked into Sunny Side egg.

13. contoh soal dan jawaban descriptive text, procedure text, recount text, report text

teks deskriptif, teks prosedur, teks perhitungan unang, teks melaporkan

14. bagaimana cara membuat soal tentang procedure text

tentuin dulu tema yang mau dibuat, kalo udah nemu tema pasti bisa ko

15. cotoh procedure text beserta soal dan jawabannya

How to make an instant coffee :

Ingredients and Tools :
1. Sachet coffee
2. 150 ml of water
3. Pan
4. Spoon
5. Cup

Steps :
1. Boil the water until reach 85 degrees
2. Open the pack of instant coffee and put it into the cup
3. Pour the boiled water to the cup
4. Stir the instant coffee enjoy

Questions & Answers :

1. What is the purpose of the text ? To tell us how to make an instant coffee
2. What is the first step to make an instant coffee based on the text ? Boil the water until reach 85 degrees
3. What is the last step to make an instant coffee based on the text ? Stir the instant coffee enjoy
4. What we need to make an instant coffee based on the text ? Sachet coffee,150 ml of water, Pan, Spoon, Cup
5. What we do after we pour the boiled water to the cup ? what we do next is stir the instant coffee enjoy

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